The Still from the D.W. Griffith short film of the Tolstoy Novel that inspired mine.

The Resurrection (1974, revised 1988) documents four high school students’ rites of passage through pitfalls of pre-inflationary 70’s and features first encounters with sex, drugs and God.     

"It's The Catcher in the Rye of Middle Village, Queens."  Don Shaw

Author's note from August 31st, 2015...  I'm interested in reading the original version of this book.  

Summary by Elizabeth H. House, Managing Director, Dorrance Publishing Co. Inc. dated April 4, 2003:  "Incorporating a conception of certain spiritual principles, 'The Resurrection' relates an account of several teenagers and adults who seem to influence or become influenced by their decisions.  (The author) take(s) into account the types of challenges adolescence might present, particularly in regard to issues of identity, peer association, and family bonds.  At the virtual center of the story stands a tunnel that may furnish a link to a higher power.  (The author's) narrative often intertwines the sacred and secular, imagining how faith might occur in a sometimes confusing modern society.  

"When her grandmother disappears into the tunnel, Rose returns to where her family is celebrating Christmas.  her description of the event evokes 'reactions [of] panic, hysteria and guilt followed by repentance and apologies to God for all the sins that had brought upon the family such tragedy.'  A month passes, and with few leads, the police tend to view keeping the case open as a 'formality,' but Rose finds herself retaining the memory, thinking her grandmother may have 'called for her' before vanishing.  John and George investigate, starting with some questions for Rose, who tells them about Sarah's parting words that 'they were going to see God.'  John and Sally visit his grandmother's house and share some intimate moments, then the next morning, the find Sarah seated in a rocking chair with a prayer book in her hands.  A 'For Sale' sign goes up in front of her house and Sarah goes to live with Rose's family.  The events of the weekend seem to affect John.  Drugs become part of his life and he faces the possibility of expulsion, sending his parents into 'so total a state of hysteria that they grounded John for the next thirty years.'

In part two, Beauregard leaves a note for Margo and calls George before committing suicide.  Later, John decides to start the new school year with a move toward change and 'renewal.' Rose speaks to Sarah about the tunnel, expressing a desire to see it on behalf of herself and the others.  The coming of the holiday season finds George, Johan Sally and Rose seeking 'God' in the tunnel.  

'The Resurrection' closes with a transcript of sorts, recounting a conversation between the young people and a higher power, which touches upon topics relating to Creation, perception, and death.  (The author) also include(s) an epilogue describing how the main characters' experiences in association with the tunnel may have influenced their subsequent choices.  As a whole , your contribution is designed to communicate a specific approach to matters of life and death as well as to enlighten and provoke thought."

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